Big news! The Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act [MMA] is coming up for a Transportation Committee hearing very soon. That means it’s time for transit advocates across the state to come together and send witness slips in favor of passing this legislation.
Why is the MMA important?
The Metropolitan Mobility Authority Act will merge the four agencies that run public transit in Northeast Illinois (RTA, CTA, Pace, and Metra) into one entity, allowing them to coordinate service across regions and stop competing against one other for funding. Additionally, companion appropriations bills will set aside at least $1.5 billion per year in additional funding for transit agencies across the state, ensuring that folks all over Illinois see the benefits. This is a great step away from a system that often forces people to use a personal car for every trip toward a future where we can all rely on affordable, accessible public transportation to get us where we need to go while helping to protect our communities from air pollution and climate change.
Why is sending a witness slip important?
A witness slip is an official way for individuals and groups to show support for a piece of legislation. Before the Transportation Committee decides whether or not to send the MMA to the floor for a vote, they’ll be presented with all the witness slips sent in by transportation advocates—as well as those sent in by our opponents. We know other groups who oppose investing public money into the things working people need to thrive will be sending in opposing witness slips in order to prevent the MMA from coming up for a vote, so it’s crucial that we drown out their numbers with our people power!
I’m in! How do I send in a witness slip?
For the House:
- Visit this link and fill in your information.
- Under “firm, business, or agency,” write The People’s Lobby.
- Under “persons, groups, firms represented in this appearance,” write Self.
- Select “proponent.”
- Select “record of appearance only.”
- Check the box marked “I agree to the ILGA terms of agreement.”
- Click the button marked “create slip” at the bottom right.
For the Senate:
- Visit this link and fill in your information.
- Under “firm, business, or agency,” write The People’s Lobby.
- Under “persons, groups, firms represented in this appearance,” write Self.
- Under “subject matter,” select SB 5.
- Select “proponent.”
- Select “record of appearance only.”
- Check the box marked “I agree to the ILGA terms of agreement.”
- Click the button marked “create slip” at the bottom right.
Here’s a video that also explains how to send these. Thank you for your support!