The People’s Lobby is a membership-driven organization devoted to organizing widespread support for legislation and candidates that put the needs of people and the planet before the interests of big corporations and the very rich.
We envision a society where justice, equality, and the well-being of all people and the planet take precedence over the interests of corporations and the wealthy elite.

OUR Approach
We are dedicated to dismantling systemic inequalities and advocating for public policies and elected officials that promote racial and economic justice.
We train leaders to build bases in our communities, organize support for progressive legislation, endorse progressive candidates, and take direct action to pressure elected officials and other powerful people to put the interests of people and the planet first.
We choose our fights by listening to the needs and aspirations of our diverse membership, spanning from the south suburbs to the north shore, west and northwest suburbs, including vibrant student leaders, faith communities, working people, and folks of all ages, races, genders, and backgrounds.
Our Initiatives
We choose our fights by determining which issues matter most to our members and conducting strategic analyses to determine the power we need to build to win on those issues.